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E - mail: guixin@henau.edu.cn
2005.09-2009.07  江西农业大学 农业资源与环境 学士
2010.09-2012.07  中国农业大学 环境科学   硕士
2012.09-2016.06  中国农业大学 环境工程     博士
2016.10-至今        河南农业大学 林学院环境系 讲师
1. Gui, Xin; Rui, Mengmeng; Song, Youhong; Ma, Yuhui; Rui, Yukui  ; Zhang,Peng; He, Xiao; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Zhiyong; Liu, Liming, Phytotoxicity ofCeO2 nanoparticles on radish plant (Raphanus sativus) , ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2017.5, 24(15) : 13775~13781   
2. Ye Ji; Yun Zhou; Chuanxin Ma; Yan Feng; Yi Hao; Yukui Rui ; Wenhao Wu;Xin Gui; Van Nhan Le; Yaning Han; Yingcai Wang; Baoshan Xing; Liming Liu;Weidong Cao, Jointed toxicity of TiO2 NPs and Cd to rice seedlings: NPsalleviated Cd toxicity and Cd promoted NPs uptake , Plant Physiology andBiochemistry, 2017.1, 110: 82~93   
3. Gui, Xin; Zhang, Zhiyong; Liu, Shutong; Ma, Yuhui; Zhang, Peng; He,Xiao; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Jing; Li, Huafen; Rui, Yukui   ; Liu, Liming; Cao,Weidong, Fate and Phytotoxicity of CeO2 Nanoparticles on Lettuce Cultured inthe Potting Soil Environment , Plos One, 2015.8.28, 10(8)   
4. Gui, Xin; He, Xiao; Ma, Yuhui; Zhang, Peng; Li, Yuanyuan; Ding, Yayun;Yang, Ke; Li, Huafen; Rui, Yukui  ; Chai, Zhifang; Zhao, Yuliang; Zhang,Zhiyong, Quantifying the distribution of ceria nanoparticles in cucumberroots: the influence of labeling , Rsc Advances, 2015, 5(6) : 4554~4560    
5. Gui, Xin; Deng, Yingqing; Rui, Yukui ; Gao, Binbin; Luo, Wenhe; Chen,Shili; Le Van Nhan; Li, Xuguang; Liu, Shutong; Han, Yaning; Liu, Liming; Xing,Baoshan, Response difference of transgenic and conventional rice (Oryzasativa) to nanoparticles (gamma Fe2O3) , Environmental Science and PollutionResearch, 2015.11, 22(22) : 17716~17723   
6.Rui, Yukui  ; Zhang, Peng; Zhang, Yanbei; Ma, Yuhui; He, Xiao; Gui, Xin; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Jing; Zheng, Lirong; Chu, Shengqi; Guo, Zhi; Chai,Zhifang; Zhao, Yuliang; Zhang, Zhiyong, Transformation of ceria nanoparticlesin cucumber plants is influenced by phosphate , Environmental Pollution, 2015.3, 198: 8~14    
7.Li, Xuguang ; Gui, Xin; Rui, Yukui ; Ji, Weikang; Le Van Nhan; Yu,Zihan; Peng, Shengnan, Bt-transgenic cotton is more sensitive to CeO2nanoparticles than its parental non-transgenic cotton , Journal of HazardousMaterials, 2014.6.15, 274: 173~180  
8.Van Nhan Le; Rui, Yukui ; Gui, Xin; Li, Xuguang; Liu, Shutong; Han,Yaning, Uptake, transport, distribution and Bio-effects of SiO2 nanoparticlesin Bt-transgenic cotton , Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2014.12.5, 12    
9. 芮玉奎; 张艳北; 桂新; 金婷婷; 张智勇   , 金属及金属氧化物纳米材料的放射性标记 , 同位素, 2013.2.20, (01) : 8~15