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1980.09-1984.07  河南农业大学  林学 学士
1984.09-1986.12  东北林业大学  林学 硕士
1987.03-1988.08  js金沙3983总站  助教
1988.09-1991.08  中国科学院植物研究所  植物学  博士
1991.12-1994.05  中山大学生命科学学院  生物学  博士后
1994.06-至今     js金沙3983总站,1994.10晋升副教授,1997.10晋升教授,博士生导师
1. 泡桐丛枝病发生分子机理研究(39870631),国家自然科学基金项目,1994/01-1997/12,已结题,主持
6.泡桐丛枝病防治技术示范推广(GTH [2009] 02),中央财政林业科技推广示范资金项目,2009/01-2010/12,已结题,主持
7.蜡梅种质资源收集、创新与新品种培育研究(20090400009),国家林业公益性行业科研专项, 2009/01-2011/12,已结题,主持
8.悬铃木种质资源创制与新品种培育研究(201004022),国家林业公益性行业科研专项, 2010/01-2014/12,已结题,主持
9. 三倍体泡桐种质创制与新品种培育研究(122101110700),河南省中原学者项目, 2013/01-2015/12,已结题,主持
10. 泡桐丛枝病防治新技术中试与示范(112201610003),河南省科技成果转化计划项目,2011/01-2013/12,已结题,主持
1. 四倍体泡桐种质创制与新品种培育,国家科技进步二等奖/第1,中国国务院,2015.12.
6. 泡桐丛枝病发生机理及防治研究,河南省科技进步一等奖/第1,河南省人民政府,2009.12.
7. 四倍体泡桐特性及栽培技术研究,河南省科技进步二等奖/第1,河南省人民政府,2013.01.
8. 悬铃木四倍体和农杆菌介导反义LFY基因植株培育及应用技术研究,河南省科技进步二等奖/第1,河南省人民政府,2007.11.
9. 沉水樟等木本植物克隆及应用,河南省科技进步二等奖/第1,河南省人民政府,2004.11.
10. 泡桐体外植株高效再生系统建立及应用技术研究,河南省科技进步二等奖/第1,河南省人民政府,2003.12.
11. 泡桐无丛枝病病原菌检测苗的繁育造林与高干定向培育研究,河南省科技进步二等奖/第1,河南省人民政府,2001.12.
12. 泡桐丛枝病病原检测及应用技术研究,河南省科技进步二等奖/第2,河南省人民政府,1997.
1. Guoqiang Fan *, Yabing Cao, Zhe Wang. Regulation of Long Noncoding RNAs Responsive to Phytoplasma Infection in Paulownia tomentosa. International Journal of Genomics,2018, doi:10.1155.
2. Zhenli Zhao, Suyan Niu, Guoqiang Fan *, Minjie Deng, Yuanlong Wang. Genome-Wide Analysis of Gene and microRNA Expression in Diploid and Autotetraploid Paulownia fortunei (Seem) Hemsl. under Drought Stress by Transcriptome, microRNA, and Degradome Sequencing. Forests 2018, doi:10.3390.
3. Haifang Liu,  Zhenli Zhao, Limin Wang, Minjie Deng, Xiaoqiao Zhai, Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan *. Genome-wide expression analysis of transcripts, microRNAs, and the degradome in Paulownia tomentosa under drought stress. Tree Genetics & Genomes , 2017, 13:128.
4. Xibing Cao, Enkai Xu, Xiaoqiao Zhai, Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan *. Combined Analysis of mRNAs and miRNAs to Identify Genes Related to Biological Characteristics of Autotetraploid Paulownia. Forests, 2017, 8:501.
5. Xibing Cao, Guoqiang Fan *, Yanpeng Dong, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Zhe Wang, Wenshan Liu. Proteome Profiling of Paulownia seedlings Infected with Phytoplasma. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 342.
6. Guoqiang Fan *, Limin Wang, Yanpeng Dong, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Suyan Niu, Xiaoshen Zhang, Xibing Cao. Genome of Paulownia (Paulownia fortunei) illuminates the related transcripts, miRNA and proteins for salt resistance. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 1285.
7. Minjie Deng, Yanpeng Dong, Zhenli Zhao, Yongsheng Li, Guoqiang Fan *. Dissecting the proteome dynamics of the salt stress induced changes in the leaf of diploid and autotetraploid Paulownia fortune. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(7): e0181937.
8. Zhe Wang, Guoqiang Fan *, Yanpeng Dong, Xiaoqiao Zhai, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Wenshan Liu, Yabing Cao. Implications of polyploidy events on the phenotype, microstructure, and proteome of Paulownia australis. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(3): e0172633.
9. Zhenli Zhao, Yongsheng Li,Haifang Liu,Xiaoqiao Zhai,Minjie Deng,Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan *. Genome-wide expression analysis of saltstressed diploid and autotetraploid Paulownia tomentosa. PLoS ONE,2017, 12(10):e0185455.
10.  Minjie Deng, Yabing Cao, Zhenli Zhao, Lu Yang, Yanfang Zhang, Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan *. Discovery of MicroRNAs and Their Target Genes Related to Drought in Paulownia “Yuza 1” by High-Throughput Sequencing. International Journal of Genomics, 2017, 22 :3674682.
11.  Zhen Wei, Zhe Wang, Xiaoyu Li, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Yanpeng Dong,  Xibing Cao, Guoqiang Fan *. Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Paulownia fortunei Response to Phytoplasma Infection with Dimethyl Sulfate Treatment. International Journal of Genomics, 2017, 3:6542075.
12.  Zhe Wang, Wenshan Liu, Guoqiang Fan *, Xiaoqiao Zhai, Zhenli Zhao, Yanpeng Dong, Minjie Deng, Yabing Cao. Quantitative proteome-level analysis of paulownia witches' broom disease with methyl methane sulfonate assistance reveals diverse metabolic changes during the infection and recovery processes. Peer J, 2017, 5 (7) :e3495.
13.  Zhe Wang, Xiaoqiao Zhai , Yabing Cao, Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan *. Long Non-Coding RNAs Responsive to Witches’Broom Disease in Paulownia tomentosa. Forests, 2017, 8:348.
14.  Guoqiang Fan *, Suyan Niu, Xiaoyu Li, Yuanlong Wang, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Yanpeng Dong. Functional Analysis of Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs Associated with Drought Stress in Diploid and Tetraploid Paulownia fortune. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2017, 35:389-398.
15.  Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan *, Zhenli Zhao, Enkai Xu, Minjie Deng, Limin Wang, Suyan Niu. Transcriptome-wide profiling and expression analysis of two accessions of Paulownia  australis under salt stress. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2017, 13: 97.
16.  Lijun Yan, Guoqiang Fan *, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Yanpeng Dong, Yongsheng Li. Comparative proteomic analysis of autotetraploid and diploid Paulownia tomentosa reveals proteins associated with superior photosynthetic characteristics and stress adaptability in autotetraploid Paulownia. Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 2017, 23(3):605-617.
17.  Xibing Cao, Guoqiang Fan *, Lin Cao, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Suyan Niu, Zhe Wang, Yuanlong Wang. Drought stress-induced changes of microRNAs in diploid and autotetraploid Paulownia tomentosa. Genes Genom, 2017, 39:77-86.
18.  Guoqiang Fan *, Yabing Cao, Minjie Deng, Xiaoqiao Zhai, Zhenli Zhao, Suyan Niu, Yuanyuan Ren. Identification and dynamic expression profiling of microRNAs and target genes of Paulownia tomentosa in response to Paulownia witches’ broom disease. Acta Physiol Plant, 2017, 39:28.
19.  Guoqiang Fan *, LiminWang, MinjieDeng, ZhenliZhao, YanpengDong, Xiaoshen Zhang, YongshengLi. Changes in Transcript Related to Osmosis and Intracellular Ion Homeostasis in Paulownia tomentosa under Salt Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 384.
20.  Yanpeng Dong, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Guoqiang Fan *. Quantitative Proteomic and Transcriptomic Study on Autotetraploid Paulownia and Its Diploid Parent Reveal Key Metabolic Processes Associated with Paulownia Autote- traploidization. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:892.
21.  Suyan Niu, Yuanlong Wang, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Lin Cao, Lu Yang, Guoqiang Fan *. Transcriptome and Degradome of microRNAs and Their Targets in Response to Drought Stress in the Plants of a Diploid and Its Autotetraploid Paulownia australis. PLOS One, 2016, 11(7):e0158750.
22.  Guoqiang Fan *, Xiaoyu Li, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Lu Yang. Comparative Analysis and Identification of miRNAs and Their Target Genes Responsive to Salt Stress in Diploid and Tetraploid Paulownia fortunei Seedlings. PLOS One, 2016, 11(2):e0149617.
23.  Suyan Niu, Guoqiang Fan *, Minjie Deng,  Zhenli Zhao, Enkai Xu, Lin Cao. Discovery of microRNAs and transcript targets related to witches’broom disease in Paulownia fortunei by high‑throughput sequencing and degradome approach. Mol Genet Genomics, 2016, 291(1):181-191.
24.  Guoqiang Fan *, Suyan Niu, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Enkai Xu, Yuanlong Wang, Lu Yang. Identification of microRNAs and their targets in Paulownia fortunei plants free from phytoplasma pathogen after methyl methane sulfonate treatment. Biochimie, 2016, 127:271-280.
25. Guoqiang Fan *, Lu Yang, Minjie Deng, Suyan Niu, Zhenli Zhao, Yanpeng Dong, Yongsheng Li. Comparative analysis of microRNAs and putative target genes in hybrid clone Paulownia ‘yuza 1’ under drought stress. Acta Physiol Plant, 2016, 38:203.
26.  Xiaoqiao Zhai, Suyan Niu, Yuanyuan Ren, Guoqiang Fan*. Discovery and profiling of microRNAs and their targets in Paulownia ‘Yuza 1’ plants via high-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis. Genes Genom, 2016, 38(8):757-766.
27.  Yang Haiqing, Wang Qirui, Sang Yuqiang, Fan Guoqiang*. Bio-oil production via fast pyrolysis of shrub residues in a fluidized-bed reactor. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2016, 38(8):1125-1131.
28.  Enkai Xu, Guoqiang Fan*, Suyan Niu, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng , Yanpeng Dong. Transcriptome sequencing and comparative analysis of diploid and autotetraploid Paulownia australis. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2015, 11:5.
29.  Guoqiang Fan*, Enkai Xu, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Suyan Niu. Phenylpropanoid metabolism, hormone biosynthesis and signal transduction-related genes play crucial roles in the resistance of Paulownia fortunei to paulownia witches’ broom phytoplasma infection. Genes Genom, 2015, 37: 913-929.
30.  Yuanlong Wang, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Rongning Liu, Suyan Niu, Guoqiang Fan*. Identification and Functional Analysis of MicroRNAs and Their Targets in Platanus acerifolia under Lead (Pb) Stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2015, 16: 7098-7111.
31.  Guoqiang Fan*, Limin Wang, Minjie Deng, Suyan Niu, Zhenli Zhao, Enkai Xu, Xibin Cao, Xiaoshen Zhang. Transcriptome analysis of the variations between autotetraploid Paulownia tomentosa and its diploid using high-throughput sequencing. Mol Genet Genomics, 2015, 290: 1627-1638.
32.  Limin Wang, Haijiao Yang, Rongning Liu, Guoqiang Fan*. Detoxification strategies and regulation of oxygen production and flowering of Platanus acerifolia under lead (Pb) stress by transcriptome analysis. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2015, 22(16):12747-58.
33.  Guoqiang Fan*, Suyan Niu, Tong Xu, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Yuanlong Wang, Lin Cao, Zhe Wang. Plant–Pathogen Interaction-Related MicroRNAs and Their Targets Provide Indicators of Phytoplasma Infection in Paulownia tomentosa × Paulownia fortunei. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(10): e0140590.
34.  Guoqiang Fan*, Xibing Cao, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng. Transcriptome analysis of the genes related to the morphological changes of Paulownia tomentosa plantlets infected with phytoplasma. Acta Physiol Plant, 2015, 37: 202.
35.  Guoqiang Fan*, Xibing Cao, Suyan Niu, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Yanpeng Dong. Transcriptome, microRNA, and degradome analyses of the gene expression of Paulownia with phytoplamsa. BMC Genomics, 2015, 16:896.
36.  Xiaoshen Zhang, Minjie Deng, Guoqiang Fan*. Differential Transcriptome Analysis between Paulownia fortunei and Its Synthesized Autopolyploid. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2014, 15: 5079-5093.
37.  Haiqing Yang, Qirui Wang, Yuqiang Sang, Guoqiang Fan*, Qingli Xu. Online Upgrading of Bio-oil Pyrolyzed Form by Shrub Residues. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 26(1): 247-250.
38.  Enkai Xu, Guoqiang Fan*, Suyan Niu, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Yanpeng Dong. Transcriptome-Wide Profiling and Expression Analysis of Diploid and Autotetraploid Paulownia tomentosa×Paulownia fortunei under Drought Stress. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(11): e113313.
39.  Suyan Niu, Guoqiang Fan*, Enkai Xu, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Yanpeng Dong. Transcriptome/Degradome-Wide Discovery of MicroRNAs and Transcript Targets in Two Paulownia australis Genotypes. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(9): e106736.
40.  Suyan Niu, Guoqiang Fan*, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Yanpeng Dong. High-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis reveal microRNA differential expression profiles and their targets in Paulownia fortunei. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult , 2014, 119:457-468.
41.  Yongsheng Li, Guoqiang Fan*, Yanpeng Dong, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Xibing Cao, Enkai Xu, Suyan Niu. Identification of genes related to the phenotypic variations of a synthesized Paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa × Paulownia fortunei) autotetraploid. Gene, 2014, 553: 75-83.
42.  Guoqiang Fan*, Xiaoqiao Zhai, Suyan Niu, Yuanyuan Ren. Dynamic expression of novel and conserved microRNAs and their targets in diploid and tetraploid of Paulownia tomentosa. Biochimie, 2014, 102: 68-77.
43.  Guoqiang Fan*, Yanpeng Dong, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Suyan Niu and Enkai Xu. Plant-Pathogen Interaction, Circadian Rhythm, and Hormone-Related Gene Expression Provide Indicators of Phytoplasma Infection in Paulownia fortunei. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2014, 15: 23141 -23162.
44.  Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan*, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng. Transcriptome Expression Profiling in Response to Drought Stress in Paulownia australis. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2014, 15: 4583-4607.
45.  Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan*, Minjie Deng, Enkai Xu, Zhenli Zhao. Genome-wide expression profiling of the transcriptomes of four Paulownia tomentosa accessions in response to drought. Genomics, 2014, 104: 295-305.
46.  Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan*, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng. Compatible solute, transporter protein, transcription factor, and hormone-related gene expression provides an indicator of drought stress in Paulownia fortunei. Funct Integr Genomics, 2014, 14:479-491.
47.  Xibing Cao, Guoqiang Fan*, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Yanpeng Dong. Morphological Changes of Paulownia Seedlings Infected Phytoplasmas Reveal the Genes Associated with Witches’ Broom through AFLP and MSAP. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(11): e112533.
48.  Xibing Cao, Guoqiang Fan*, Minjie Deng, Zhenli Zhao, Yanpeng Dong. Identification of Genes Related to Paulownia Witches’ Broom by AFLP and MSAP. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2014, 15: 14669-14683.
49.  Rongning Liu, Yanpeng Dong, Guoqiang Fan*, Zhenli Zhao, Minjie Deng, Xibing Cao, Suyan Niu. Discovery of Genes Related to Witches Broom Disease in Paulownia tomentosa6Paulownia fortunei by a De Novo Assembled Transcriptome. PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(11): e80238.
50.  Zhao Mingxiao, Fan Guoqiang *, Zhang Xiaoshen. Establishment of in vitro plant regeneration system for Chimonanthus praecox L.  African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11 (45) :10358-10361.
51.  Fan Guoqiang *, Peng Haifeng, Zhai Xiaoqiao. Protein diversity of Paulownia plant leaves and its cluster.   Journal of Forestry Research, 2001, 12 (1) :21-24.
52.  Fan Guoqiang*, Zhai Cuijuan, Bi Huitao. Callus induction from leaves of different Paulownia species and its plantlet regeneration.  Journal of Forestry Research, 2001, 12 (4) :209-214.
1. 范国强   著       四倍体泡桐   大河出版集团     2013
2. 范国强   主编   泡桐丛枝病发生机理               中原农民出版社   2014
3. 范国强   主编   常见木本植物组织培养技术   中原农民出版社   2014 
1. 范国强,翟晓巧    2012   一种丛枝病防治药物及使用方法  ZL200810231019.1
2. 范国强,路    玲    2008   泡桐丛枝病防治药物            ZL200610107024.1
3. 范国强,翟晓巧,赵振利,邓敏捷,董焱鹏,曹喜兵  2017  一种电动树干注药机  ZL201621080354.2
4. 范国强,翟晓巧,赵振利,董焱鹏,邓敏捷,曹喜兵  2017  一种可升降的树木打药装置 ZL201620887593.2
5. 范国强,翟晓巧,赵振利,邓敏捷,董焱鹏  2017  一种树木剥皮工具 ZL2016210888937.2
6. 范国强,翟晓巧,邓敏捷,赵振利,董焱鹏,曹喜兵  2017  一种树木注射液的防晒保护装置 ZL201620888654.7