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2013.09-2017.06   中南林业科技大学 地理信息科学 学士
2017.09-2019.06   河南农业大学    林业    硕士
2019.09-2023.06   河南农业大学    林学    博士
2024.01-至今        河南农业大学   林学系  讲师
1. 河南农业大学高层次人才专项支持基金,在研,主持;
2. 河南农业大学博士科研启动项目,在研,主持
3. 低共熔溶剂-有机溶剂双相体系中泡桐半纤维素解离转化机理及其对酶解的影响(31901276),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2020/01-2022/12,已结题,参与;
4. 木材细胞压力塌陷机理与分子铰链机制研究(212101510005),河南省中原英才计划--中原学者资助项目,2021/01-2022/12,已结题,参与;
5. 河南省高校重点科研项目计划(No.20B220003),2022.09,已结题,参与;
6. 河南省大学生科技创新研究团队项目(No.21IRTSTHN020), 2021.03,已结题,参与;
1. 第一届全国博士后创新创业大赛·金奖,国家人力资源和社会保障部,2021;
2. 河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖,河南省教育厅,2023;
3. 河南省人社厅个人记功表彰,河南省人力资源和社会保障厅,2022;
4. 第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛·铜奖,国家教育部,2023;
5. 第九届河南省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛·一等奖,河南省教育厅,2023;
6. 2021、2022年博士研究生国家奖学金,国家教育部,2021、2022;
7. 河南农业大学首届“最美研究生”,河南农业大学,2022.

1. Yue Xiaochen, Ma Nyuk Ling, Sonne Christian, et al. Mitigation of indoor air pollution: A review of recent advances in adsorption materials and catalytic oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 405, 124138. (中科院一区TOP,IF=14.22);
2. Yue Xiaochen, Ma Nyuk Ling, Zhong, Jiateng, et al. Ancient forest plants possess cytotoxic properties causing liver cancer HepG2 cell apoptosis. Environmental Research, 2024, 241, 117474. (中科院一区TOP,IF=7.7);
3. Peng Wanxi, Yue Xiaochen#, Chen Huiling, Ma Nyuk Ling, Quan Zhou, et al. A review of plants formaldehyde metabolism: Implications for hazardous emissions and phytoremediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 436, 129304. (中科院一区TOP,IF=13.6);
4. Yang Yan, Yue Xiaochen#, Li Cheng, El-Bahy Zeinhom M. et al. Formaldehyde-free high-strength low-density wood biocomposites via corrugation and self-bonding of wooden cell. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2024,7(4), 129. (中科院二区,IF=23.2);
5. Yue Xiaochen, Chen Xiangmeng, Li Hanyin, et al. Nano Ag/Co3O4 Catalyzed Rapid Decomposition of Robinia pseudoacacia Bark for Production Biofuels and Biochemicals. POLYMERS, 2023, 15 (1), 114. (中科院二区,IF=5.0).
6. Yue Xiaochen, Guanyuan Li, Xiangmeng Chen, et al. Nano Catalysis of Biofuels and Biochemicals from Cotinus coggygria Scop. Wood for Bio-Oil Raw Material. POLYMERS, 2022, 14 (21), 4610. (中科院二区,IF=4.7).
7. Yue Xiaochen, Chen Juntao, Yang Yafeng, et al. Chemical components of Choerospondias axillaris wood by TD-GC/MS, Py-GC/MS, and TG. Journal of King Saud University Science, 2020, 32: 1142-1146. (中科院三区,IF=4.0)
8. Yue Xiaochen, Yang Hongqi, Wang Ting, et al. Molecules and Medical Function of Diospyros Lotus L. Thermal Science, 2020, 24(3), 1705-1712.
9. Chen Huiling, Yue Xiaochen#, Yang Jun, et al. Pyrolysis molecule of Torreya grandis bark for potential biomedicine. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2019, 26(4), 808-815.
10. Li Yiyang, Ma Nyuk Ling, Chen Huiling, Zhong Jiateng, Zhang Dangquan, Peng Wanxi, Lam Su Shiung, Yang Yafeng, Yue Xiaochen, Yan Lijun, Wang Ting, Styrishave Bjarne, Ciesielski Tomasz Maciej, Sonne Christian. High-throughput screening of ancient forest plant extracts shows cytotoxicity towards triple-negative breast cancer. Environment International, 2024, 181, 108279. (中科院一区TOP,IF=10.3)
11. Peng Wanxi, Ma Nyuk Ling, Zhang Dangquan, Yue Xiaochen, Zhou Quan, et al. A review of historical and recent locust outbreaks: Links to global warming, food security and mitigation strategies. Environmental Research, 2020, 191, 110046. (中科院二区TOP,IF=8.3)
12. Gu Haiping, Foong SY, Lam SS, Yue Xiaochen, Yang Jun, et al. Characterization and potential utilization of extracts and pyrolyzates from Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl. Bark. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021, 155, 105092. (中科院二区,IF=6.4)
13. Qu Yimeng, Yang Yafeng, Sonne Christian, Chen Xiangmeng, Yue Xiaochen, Gu Haiping, Lam Su Shiung, Peng, Wanxi. Phytosphere purification of urban domestic wastewater. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 336, 122417. (中科院二区TOP,IF=7.6)